They Never Open the Gate

They Never Open the Gate

I feel all alone

in a world of millions.

I stand in clear view

yet no one sees me.

I would cry 

but no one would feel.

I would laugh 

but no one would hear.

I would touch

but no one is near.

I yearn for attention

but everyone walks past me.

Their tracks lead to beauty

that lies beyond me.

They never open the gate

to view the beauty within me.

This was written for THE MAG 156.

Magpie Tales

Daily Prompt: Far from Normal

Many of us think of our lives as boringly normal, while others live the high life. Take a step back, and take a look at your life as an outsider might. Now, tell us at least six unique, exciting, or just plain odd things about yourself.

via Daily Prompt: Far From Normal.

1.  I was born and raised Cajun but without a French last name thus making it difficult to make others believe I am really Cajun.  Plus I don’t have much of a Cajun accent. And yes I like crawfish but I don’t suck da heads! 

2.  I am a lifetime underachiever professionally that struggles daily to make sense of this crazy life.

3.  I was supposed  to be an aggressive 6’3″ 255 lb football player until the big man decided that wasn’t in the cards for me and made me 5’6″ 130.  I am still upset about not playing football in high school due to my size.  Some day I will get over it.  Maybe.  NOT.

4. I want to write an academy award-winning screenplay with some substance.  One that tackles a difficult subject in a way that hasn’t been done before.  And before Morgan Freeman leaves this earth so he can be my narrator.

5. I want to touch people’s lives with words.

6. When I find a song I enjoy, I can listen to it and it only for days and days!  Right now it’s No More I Love You’s by Annie Lennox and Pictures of You by The Cure.

Till we meet again.  Good Day.

Mind of Shoo