The Cost of Fame

My thoughts on the flight from Los Angeles to New Orleans is solely on being home.  I enjoy the visits to my hometown.  It is great having people who know and care for the real me. Not the me that millions see in movies. I am a working actor. Not a day goes by that I don’t understand how fortunate I am. However, it is so different from what I imagined.

Even if it’s only a few days, I am happy to escape the rapid pace life of Los Angeles.  Agents. Publicist. Managers. Photographers. They don’t know me nor do they care to.  I am not shit to them unless I am making them money!  That is all this city is about.  Money.  I got sick of fame very quickly.  Sure, at first it’s wonderful. You buy into the hype that is Hollywood.  The balance of your bank account.  The nice cars and luxurious homes. Everyone telling you how great you are. That all fades when you realize your life is an act.  You are not you.  You are someone they want you to be.  I miss being me.

At home I don’t dwell on Hollywood. I relish all the family gatherings during my visit.  My family welcomes the real me home.  They hug me with feeling.  They smile when they say great to see you. I don’t feel so alone amongst those who know me best. Sure they are curious about “fame” and I understand.  However, it’s no different from asking cousin Monty about how his accounting firm job is working out. It’s a genuine interest in my career and my path in this life.  It is with family I feel loved.

I know this is my last visit home.  It will be my biggest acting challenge yet. To act happy. I look around the town. I feel the memories flow through me.  How wonderful it is to be a long way from Hollywood. Unfortunately I will return there.  The acting will end.

This is fiction.  It was written for Trifecta Week sixty-four.  Write using the following word:

Please remember:
  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • Trifecta is open to everyone.  Please join us.

22 thoughts on “The Cost of Fame

  1. I’ve often wondered what that must be like, and whether they actually enjoy living that life. This sounds a lot like how I’d feel, whether it’s how real actors feel or not. Nice work.

  2. But you have to go back. I’ve felt that returning to my hometown and the familiar things. It’s a comforting feeling… you made me think of that. I don’t dwell on home though.

  3. a really good story — very real for celebrities.. surely, it’s not all glitz and glamor… in a way, i;m happy for your character.. at least he’s still connected with a family that can keep his feet on the ground and one that he can come home to 🙂 i think it’s a great unexpected choice of subject to write about 🙂

  4. I live near Seaside, FL. The cottage community where “The Truman Show” was filmed. I loved the premise of that movie, and often wonder what it’s really like for actors, and if once they get the fame and notoriety, if they can ever truly be themselves again.

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