In the Corner

Trapped like a  scared mouse,

I cower in the corner.

My father above me.

His look stone like.

“Please don’t hit me again.”

With pleasure in his eyes

he unleashed his anger.

This fiction was written for Trifextra: Week Fifty-eight.

This weekend, we want you to give us a thirty-three response using the wordstone as one of your thirty-three words.  You can use any definition of the word that you’d like, but we are specifically looking for serious, well-conceived entries.  This isn’t the weekend for light-hearted posts about the difficulty of posting before the linkz close, and we are not looking for hilarious commentary about your cats (THIS time).  We want something serious and deep from you guys this weekend, because the sun is starting to shine a bit more, and we think we can handle it now.  Take your time with it and give us your very best work.

30 thoughts on “In the Corner

  1. How sad that some adults think that they can hit out at a child just because they are physically more powerful!It never resolves anything & the child carries the scars on his/her psyche forever.Very well written,it moved me.

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